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Wrap around care in the area


MOOSE Club (My Out Of School Enjoyment Club)

The independently operated club provides wrap around care for children aged between 4 and 11 years.

It operates on the school site in the community room

7.30am - 9.00am and 3.15pm - 6.00pm

weekdays and throughout the day during school holidays.

For further information or to book a place details are available from...

Mrs. Sarah Bromley - Tel: 07738 683355

St Luke's Nursery

The independently operated club provides wrap around care for children aged between 4 and 11 years.

It operates on the site of the old St Luke's school and provides a drop off and pick up service for Whitechapel school children

Opening hours are 7.30am -  6.00pm weekdays and throughout the school holidays.

For further information or to book a place details are available from the 

Mrs. Sharon Clay - Tel: 01274 864 455

Click here to visit our website.

Katie's Kinder Care

The independently operated club provides wrap around care for school aged children.

It operates from Springfield Farm on Moorside and provides a drop off and pick up service for Whitechapel school children.

For further information or to book a place details are available from...

Mrs. Lodge - Tel: 01274 864 451

Registered Child Minders

Please click on the images below to view different Child Minders in the Cleckheaton area.


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