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Medicines and Medical Advice


School can only administer medicines in school if these have been prescribed by a doctor and the appropriate from is completed and handed in with the medicine to the office.

Please click here to download and complete the form prior to coming into school. 

Medical Advice on exclusion periods for illness and disease

Please note that we are advised by School Health in relation to the exclusion periods set out below.  Please see your GP or contact NHS Direct if you are unsure about any other symptoms you may be concerned about.

Illness/Disease Period of exclusion
Chicken Pox Until all spots have dried.
Conjunctivitis After treatment when weeping subsides and eye is less agitated.
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease Until rash and ulcers subside.
Head Lice Until treatment has been given.
Impetigo Until the rash is healed.
Ringworm Until treatment has been given.
Sickness and Diarrhoea 48 hours after last bout of illness.
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