Being a Church School
Whitechapel is a church school committed to enjoyment and learning and to the spiritual, moral, educational and social development of our children. We do this within a framework of our Christian Values - Courage, Compassion and Respect.
We have strong links with the parish church of Whitechapel and St Luke's. Members of the church regularly lead acts of collective worship in school. The whole school attends services at the church to celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter as well as an end of year service. As part of our RE lessons we visit the church to learn about the building and Christian worship.
Our status is "voluntary controlled" which means that we are "controlled" by the Local Authority (Kirklees) but that we have strong links with the parish. In addition it means that every few years we are inspected under the SIAMS (Statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) framework.

Whitechapel Church
Please click here to find out more information about the church and about upcoming events.
St Luke's Church
Please click here to find out more information about the church and about upcoming events.
Please click here to find out more information on our Facebook page.