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Relationships, Health and Sex Education 2020

At Whitechapel C of E Primary School we believe Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) - even though it can be a sensitive subject to handle - is an essential area of learning for all children. Primary school children need information about SRE in a timely fashion at an age appropriate level. We use the 'You, Me, PSHE' scheme of work to support our SRE lessons in accordance with government guidelines as an integral part of the school curriculum.

Parents should be aware, that in response to a consultation period, the Department for Education announced an overhaul of sex, health and relationships education in primary schools. From September 2020:

  • Health and Relationships Education will become compulsory and sex education will remain optional.
  • Relationship education will cover: Families and People who Care for Me, Caring Friendships, Respectful Relationships, Online Rlationships and Being Safe.
  • To reflect modern society children will be taught about: civil partnerships as an alternative to marriage, preparing for the online world, unhealthy relationships including violence, abuse and bullying.
  • Puberty continues to be covered under the science curriculum and the DfE states that teaching about menstruation is siutable for primary school pupils.  



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