Attendance and Absence
Effective schools convey their positive regard for regular attendance to parents, pupils and teachers. Children quickly pick up the message that their presence is important. At Whitechapel Primary School we believe that children can only learn effectively if they attend school regularly. It is important too, that children arrive and leave school on time. It is equally important that children should not be at school if they are unwell.
Whitechapel Primary School is a happy school. Children learn best when they are happy and relaxed. All staff show concern and care about each child’s welfare.
The twice-daily requirement to register pupils can be perceived as an opportunity for the school to receive children formally from home, and serve as an introduction to the session.
As attendance is crucial to effective learning and the continuity of learning experiences, school places great emphasis on this in its communication with parents.
Our School Day
Our school day begins at 8.50AM and finishes at 3.20PM.
We have a staggered start from 8.40AM until 8.50AM.
The total hours per week that school is open is 32 hours and 30 minutes.